Hello... We have started a new album within the past few months. It's a continuation of our last effort, "Folks & Falls". Cyrille sang on that one and I made the music. He's making the music this time around and I'll be making my voice contributions. We both seem to be rooted in and driven by folk music, which I think is a wonderful phenomenon. In my opinion, folk music is one of the purest forms of the sonic medium. It can start with humming or whistling, or even a heartbeat. I've always had an affinity for these gestures of sensitivity. They are natural and ordinary occurrences in life that may offer significant bliss, such as singing to one's spouse or children. I'll be honest, I feel more at ease when listening to a woman humming or singing. The gentler and steadier, the better... Which may have the effect of leaving me in complete and utter awe.
Anyhow, we've 9 demos at the moment. I've sung on 6 so far and am transitioning into the 7th demo as the days come. Thanks and happy new year ! Tchao - Jay